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Projectile Motion

The following figure shows the important quantities that are used to describe the motion of the projectile.
Projectile motion of an object.Projectile motion of an object.
Let us assume a person throwing a stone from the height $h$ under the angle of $\varphi$ relative to the surface of the earth. The initial speed after the acceleration of the stone is given as $\vec{v}_0$. In the first step, we can decompose the velocity into the following two components: $$v_{0,x} = v_0\cos\varphi$$ $$v_{0,y} = v_0\sin\varphi$$ The resulting equations of motions are then given as $$x(t) = v_0\cos\varphi\,t$$ $$y(t) = -\frac{1}{2}gt^2 + v_0\sin\varphi\,t + h$$ Solving the first equation for $t$ and inserting it into the second one leads to the following quadratic correlation between the motion alone the $y$-axis and in $x$-direction: $$\boxed{y(x) = -\frac{1}{2}g\frac{x^2}{v_0^2\cos^2\varphi} + x\tan\varphi +h}$$ The maximum distance can be obtained by equating this function with 0: $$y(t) = 0 \Leftrightarrow -\frac{1}{2}gt^2 + v_0\sin\varphi\,t + h = 0$$ The solution of this quadratic equation is given as: $$\boxed{t_\mathrm{W} = \frac{\sqrt{\sin^2\varphi\,v_0^2 + 2h}+v_0\sin\varphi}{g}}$$ Again, only positive values of $t$ are considered. Inserting this equation back into the formula for $x(t)$ leads to the distance at which the stone hits the ground: $$\boxed{x_W = v_0\cos\varphi \frac{\sqrt{\sin^2\varphi\,v_0^2 + 2h}+v_0\sin\varphi}{g}}$$
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