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  1. Law of the Lever
  2. Torque

Law of the Lever

The laws, that we have derived for the translation of mass points shall now be transferred to rotations. We first take a look at a scale with a rod that is mounted in a way that it can be divided into two lever arms with the lengths $l_1$ and $l_2$.
Two objects on both sides of a scale.Two objects on both sides of a scale.
On side of the scale, a mass with the weight $F_1$ is placed in the distance $l_1$ to the mounting point. In order to balance the scale, a mass with the gravitational force $F_2$ has to act on the opposite lever arm with the length $l_2$. It turns out that the scale does not rotate if the product of $F_1$ and $l_1$ is equal to the one of $F_2$ and $l_2$. This is called the law of the lever.
Law of the Lever

The product of the applied force $F_1$ to one arm of a lever and the length of that arm $l_1$ equals the product of the applied force $F_2$ to the other arm and its length $l_2$: $$F_1l_1 = F_2l_2$$


If the forces act on the levers under certain angles $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$, then only the components with a direction perpendicular to the lever arms have to be taken into account: $$F_\perp = F\sin\alpha$$ The other component is compensated by the lever itself. In three dimensions it is, therefore, useful to use the cross-product of the distance vector $\vec{r}$ and the force $\vec{F}$ and call that quantity torque.

The torque is defined as cross-product between the distance vector $\vec{r}$ and the applied force $F$: $$\vec{M} = \vec{r}\times \vec{F}$$

All quantities used for the definition of the torque.All quantities used for the definition of the torque.
The quantity $\vec{M}$ is then called torque. Due to the cross-product, the direction of $\vec{M}$ is always perpendicular to the force vector $\vec{F}$ and the radius vector $\vec{r}$. The unit of the torque is $\mathrm{Nm}$, similar to the one of the energy.
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