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Inner Friction

Viscosity can be interpreted as the inner friction of liquids. In order to make quantitative statements possible, we can imagine the liquid to be subdivided into different layers in the $y$-direction. If a force $F$ acts on the liquid along the $x$-axis, the liquid flows in the same direction, and as a result shear forces act on the different layers. In order to increase the speed of the liquid, $F$ has to be increased. Experimentally it can be found that the speed is proportional to $F$: $$F\propto v$$ In addition, the required force increases proportionally to the area $A$ of each layer: $$F\propto A$$ Finally, the force is also proportional to the inverse thickness of the distance between the layers. In total, this can be written as $$F\propto A\frac{v}{d}$$ Making the divisions infinitesimally small ($d\rightarrow \mathrm{d}y$) and introducing viscosity $\eta$ as a proportional constant, we obtain the following formula for the force.

The relationship between the applied force $F$ and the speed gradient $\mathrm{d}v/\mathrm{d}y$ is given as $$F = \eta A \frac{\mathrm{d}v}{\mathrm{d}y}$$ Here, $\eta$ is the viscosity and $A$ is the surface area.

From many observations in our daily life, we know that water has a quite small viscosity, whereas the one of honey for instance is very huge. The following table shows some important examples.
FluidViscosity [$\mathrm{Pa}\cdot\mathrm{s}$]
Water 1
Olive Oil40
Soft Cheese30,000

Stokes' Law

The viscosity of a liquid can be measured for instance in a viscometer which consists of a small sphere falling into a tube that is filled with the liquid. Inserting the area of a circle $$A = \pi r^2$$ and replacing the layer thickness $d$ with the radius of the sphere, the resulting force can be written in the following form which is called Stoke's Law.
Stokes' Law

The friction of a sphere with the radius $r$ moving with the speed $v$ inside a medium with the viscosity $\eta$ can be calculated as $${F_\mathrm{S} = 6\pi\eta rv}$$

The additional factor 6 follows from a very detailed and complex derivation.

Measuring Viscosity

In the viscosimeter, the sphere is accelerated until the sum of three forces friction, gravitation, and buoyancy gets $0$: $$F_\mathrm{S} + F_\mathrm{G} + F_\mathrm{B} = 0$$ Inserting all formulas leads to $$6\pi\eta r v + \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 \varrho_\mathrm{Sp} g + \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 \varrho_\mathrm{M} g = 0$$ This equation can then be solved for $\eta$.
Measuring Viscosity

The viscosity $\eta$ of a medium can be measured with a small sphere with the radius $r$ falling inside that medium according to $${\eta = \frac{2(\varrho_\mathrm{Sp}-\varrho_{M})}{9v}r^2 g}$$ where $v$ is the final speed $\varrho$ the densities of the sphere and the medium.

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