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Cavendish Experiment


Two masses $m_1$ and $m_2$ with a distance $r$ attract each other with a force $F_G$ due to gravitational interaction. The strength can be calculated with the help of Newton's gravitation law: $$\boxed{F_G = G\frac{m_{1}m_{2}}{r^{2}}}$$ The proportionality factor $G$ is called the gravitational constant. One can determine $G$ by measuring the values for $F_G$ for known masses $m_1$, $m_2$, and distances $r$ within a dedicated setup called the Cavendish experiment.
Picture of the Cavendish experiment.Picture of the Cavendish experiment.


Sketch of the Cavendish experiment.Sketch of the Cavendish experiment.
Two small lead balls with the masses $m_1$ are attached to the ends of a thin rod. This rod is mounted horizontally to a thin vertical wire. In the absence of other masses, a certain resting position is occupied. If two large lead balls with the masses $m_2$ are brought close to these balls, then torques are generated by the gravitational forces acting on them. These lead to a twisting of the wire by an angle $\alpha_0$ which is going to be measured by a small mirror attached to the wire. The torsion is balanced in a new position centered around the angle $\alpha_0$ which differs from the initial position. In this position, the sum of all acting torques must be equal to zero. These torques are namely:
Scale with the laser spot.Scale with the laser spot.
Now we can equal both torques and solve the resulting equation for $G$: $$G = \frac{4\pi^2 d r^2 \alpha_0}{T^2m_2\beta}$$ In order to determine $\alpha_0$, the two large balls are brought to the initial position P2. After measuring the position $S_2$ of the laser spot, the position of the large balls is changed to P1, and the position $S_1$ of the spot is measured again. The angle $\alpha$ can then be calculated from from the difference between these positions $S_0 = S_2 - S_1$ according to the following equation: $$4\alpha_0 = \frac{S_0}{L}$$ Here, it has to be taken into account that the angle is twice as large as the rotation angle of the mirror. For the angle $\alpha_0$ it follows $$\alpha_0 = \frac{S_0}{4L}$$ Now we can finally calculate the gravitational constant by inserting all measured and known values: $$\boxed{G = \frac{\pi^2dr^2S_0}{T^2m_2L\beta}}$$

Results & Discussion

In the given setup, the following parameters are given:
Position of laser on the scale as a function of time.Position of laser on the scale as a function of time.
The position of the laser performs a damped oscillation around the position $S_0$. This position and the period time $T$ have to be determined either graphically or analytically with the help of a fit function. For this analysis, the following fit function was used: $$a e^{bx}\sin (cx + d)+e$$ In this function, $a$--$e$ are unknown fit parameters to be determined. The exponential term in front of the sine function is used to take weak damping into account. However, the damping factor $b$ is not used in this analysis. After applying the fit to the data points, the parameter $c$ is determined to be 0.012539. The period has to be calculated with $$T = \frac{2\pi}{c} = 500.23\,\mathrm{s}$$ For parameter $e = 58.7319$ was determined for position P2, and $e = 69.6075$ for position P1. The difference between both is equal to the unknown position $S_0$: $$S_0 = 10.8756\,\mathrm{cm}$$ Inserting all results into the formula for $G$ results in the value $$G = 7.19\cdot 10^{-11}\,\frac{\mathrm{N}\,\mathrm{m}^2}{\mathrm{kg}^2}$$
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