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Table of Contents

  1. Windows
  2. Linux
  3. MacOS
  4. Editor


For Windows, the most commonly used distribution is MiKTex which can be downloaded here:
After clicking on Download and running the executable, MiKTex is installed on your system. Please go the section Editor if you want to install a dedicated editor.


Depending on the Linux distribution you are using, there are several ways to install LaTeX. Covering all possibilities is of course not feasible. Some of the most commonly used distributions are Debian, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint which all work similarly. In all systems you can install Texlive simply by opening a terminal and typing in the command
sudo apt install texlive-full
This command installs are required packages for LaTeX. For Fedora, a similar command can be used:
sudo dnf install texlive-scheme-full


For MacOS, there is a dedicated distribution available called MacTeX. The URL for downloading is given as
The downloaded pkg can be installed in the same way how other software packages are installed within MacOS.


Of course, it is possible to run LaTeX in combination with a simple text editor such as notepad in Windows or gedit in Linux. However, it is highly recommended to use a dedicated LaTeX editor with an integrated preview. One possibility is to use Texmaker which has a large amount of functionality and is still user-friendly. You can download it for Windows, MacOS, and Linux on the following website:
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