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Ideal Gas Equation

Taking all the three independently observed gas laws into account it turns out that $$\frac{pV}{T} = \mathrm{const}$$ From this relation, it follows the so-called ideal gas equation: $$pV = nRT$$ Here, we additionally assumed that the amount of substance $n$ remains constant. The ideal gas constant $R$ has been introduced as a proportional factor and is given as $$R = 8.31448\,\frac{\mathrm{J}}{\mathrm{K}\cdot\mathrm{mol}}$$
Ideal Gas Equation

The product of the pressure $p$ and the volume $V$ of an ideal gas is proportional to the temperature $T$ and the amount of substance $n$: $$pV = nRT$$ The proportional constant is the gas constant $R$ which has the value $$R = 8.31448\,\frac{\mathrm{J}}{\mathrm{K}\cdot\mathrm{mol}}$$

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